addiction recovery with ayurveda life

Ayurvedic Liberation: Breaking Free from Addiction the Natural Way

Intoxicating yourself with an overdose of Alcohol or Drugs use can be life threatening to you . Alcohol , Nicotine or any Substance addiction can impair your Kidney, Lungs, Heart & Liver and muddle up your life Mentally ,Emotionally, Spiritually and Physically too.

‘’The general belief is that drug addiction or intoxication from Alcohol or any type of substance is a social as well as Psychological problem, which needs a holistic approach of treatment keeping in mind the affected person’s socio-economic condition and atmosphere in mind.’’

As we know, when you are addicted to a chemical substance, you lose control of your Life. It doesn’t matter what you are addicted to , be it Alcohol, Nicotine or drugs .The effects are the same. It is usually not easy to get rid of an alcohol and/or nicotine addiction. Most people find it difficult to give up these substances even after years in De-Addiction Therapy.

We all know the ugly side of any kind of addiction that a person might knowingly or un knowingly fall into. Addictive habits to substances like Drug, Alcohol, Smoking, is not only an individual’s problem, but also affects his/her family, surroundings and the society as a whole. The addicted individual spends a lot of time and money, often exceeding what he has or he can afford causing financial, physical, mental, family and social problems.

Human Brain And Addiction

Human brainproduces Dopamine normally and what alcohol does is to activate the nervous system to promote dopamine formation. The Brain thus remembers the taste of alcohol and nicotine by creating special cells called receptor cells. As a person increases the quantity of alcohol, these cells also increase in numbers. When the person wants to give up his addictions these receptor cells agitate and create withdrawal symptoms with unpleasant and even dangerous symptoms.

‘’ Cigarette smoke contains over 7000 chemicals, including 43 known cancer-causing (carcinogenic) compounds and 250 other toxins. These cigarette ingredients include Nicotine, Tar, and Carbon Monoxide, as well as Formaldehyde, Ammonia, Hydrogen Cyanide, Arsenic, and DDT. Perhaps this list of ingredients that are found in cigarettes is enough to make you want to quit smoking for good! ”

-Ayurveda does just that and adopts a Systematic approach in treatment of such cases recommending Herbal Medicines, Exercises, Personal Counselling and Meditation as part of that.

Diagnosis of Addiction and Treatment in Ayurvedic way……

-The Diagnosis in Ayurveda comprises of a detailed understanding of a Person’s Characteristics, Habits, Sleep patterns, Hereditary traits, Body type etc. as a first step.

– Followed by that will be an understanding of the state of the Tridoshas within an individual – Vatta, Pitta and Kapha. Ayurveda believes that the problems in a Human Body are caused due to the imbalance among these three Doshas.
Diagnosis may also consist of clinical tests.

-Some of the other Diagnostic techniques that are frequently used by Ayurvedic experts are Diagnosis of Tongue, Diagnosis of Nails, Eye Diagnosis and Diagnosing the Pulse. These Diagnostics provide vital clues about the nature and tendencies of the individual.

Purification or Panchakarma Therapy –

• These are also known as Panchakarma therapies which target at uprooting the toxins present in the patient’s body. These are quite potent therapies and are generally done under the supervision of an Ayurvedic expert or Physician in Ayur health care.
• Virechanam is the therapy which comprises of taking a mixture of herbal medicinal plants or their parts. This therapy eliminates the toxic substances from the body via the anal route. Herbs like Ginger, Cardamom, Cinnamon and Embelia etc. are used for the purpose.
• Another popular cleansing therapy used is Vamanam, which can be called a therapy for vomiting. This method uses the upper track leading to the mouth, to cleanse the toxins caused due to indigestion of food.

Rasayana Therapies –

• These therapies generally follow the Panchakarma treatments which purify the body. This set of procedures further nourishes and strengthen the body after Panchkarma
• For addiction related problems, Rasayana treatments include Dietary Changes and consuming oral Herbal Medicines.
Herbal Medicines used in De -Addiction –
A range of Herbal Medicines and their combinations are used in the treatment of addictive problems in Ayurveda and these are to be consumed orally. Ayurveda prescribes Chamomile and Ashwagandha in combination to heal the Lungs. These help in cleansing lungs of smoke- related problems. Practitioners at Lotus Wellness, also prescribe congestion relieving Herbs like Ginger and Pepper mixed with Honey or Lemon.

In Addition, Herbs also Improves Memory, Concentration, and to fight Depression are also given, such as

• Shnakhapushpi
• Kanphool or Dandelion
• Brahmi
• Ashwagandha
• Herbs to treat sleep disturbances like Jatamansi, Sarpgandha, Brahmi and Jaiphal are also prescribed. Since most addicts have impaired liver function, herbs that improve liver function like Aloe Vera, Punarnava, Long pepper, Kutki, Tulsi are given to revive the liver Functions. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult to Ayurveda Experts at Lotus.
Important Dietary Changes as per Ayurvedic Physicians advice at Lotus
• Ayurveda begins to rejuvenate the body by placing addicts on a diet that includes foods like Almonds, Pine Nuts, Ghee (clarified butter) and Sesame Seeds.
• Cold and iced drinks are usually removed from the diet and replaced with herbal tea mixed with household spices.
• Diet rich in Proteins and Carbohydrates and Low in Fats is recommended. The patient should eat Fibre Rich Food and plenty of raw vegetables. Intake of Coffee and Tea etc should be reduced and alcohol should not be touched

We at Lotus would be glad to help you or loved one overcome his or her Addiction and stand up for recovery.

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